Tuesday, June 15, 2010

no late fees!

i walked into the blockbuster and placed the dvd on the counter.
GUY: hey, how are ya?
ME: i'm fine. i'm just returning this dvd.
GUY: [nods, picks up case]
ME: it was due thursday...
GUY: [smiles knowingly, opens dvd case to make sure disk is actually inside]
ME: ...so I'm guessing there's some consequences with that.
GUY: yeah. [snaps case closed, scans barcode] technically it's a dollar a day, but we'll see what we can do for you. [watches computer screen waiting for information to pop up]
GUY: [account info appears] oh. [sort of surprised face] thursday. [he obviously wan't listening to what i told him earlier] that's close enough. [clicks something on the computer screen, throws dvd into the 'to-be-sorted' box behind him]
ME: wait, so... that's just it?
GUY: yeah. [shrugs] basically i just waived it for you.
ME: really? thanks!
GUY: no problem. have a great night.
i did. :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha, nice! I didn't know they charged late fees at all...
