Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Deaf - a sijo

A tune wafts up three stories
to my city window, swirling
through the air to catch my ear;
I rarely stop to listen long.
The man who plays sits peacefully;
he can't hear the song I scorn.

(c) Emma Gay 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

before and after

"And I'm thinking to myself, 'how can you rescue me?'"
~Jimmy Needham

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Poem

The dragon's name is GRACE PLUS WORKS; he rules a darkish lair
Where many, saved and heaven-bound, are tempted to despair
"The deed's not done," the dragon snaps, his mouth a lurid grin
"You worthless child, dost thou not know? Salvation lies within!"

The dragon captured me last night and bid me do still more
To gain the love and mercy of the One who saved my soul
The monster spoke and soon the terror of his ghastly lies
Had rid my heart of all its joy, cemented my demise

But Jesus came to rescue me, a mighty, shining Knight
He slew the dragon's evil heart; the cave was filled with light
My Savior took me in His arms, a strong and firm embrace
"My child," he said, "I've paid thy price. Your soul is SAVED BY GRACE."

(c) Emma Gay 2009

A Good Man is Hard to Find

This is a short story by Flannery O'Connor. She claims to be a Christian writer, and this story is one of my favorites.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bread Alone

I say I'm starving
- and it's true
But what I want
- is more of you
I have a longing
- strong and sure
For life and love
- that's sweet and pure
My hunger pangs
- are driving me
To pray and read
- your word and see
The grace through Christ
- I call my own
"Man cannot live
- by bread alone"

a corporate fast petition
January 23, 2007

say what you need to say

"Take all of your so-called problems / Better put them in quotations"

Sometimes I wish John Mayer wrote Christian music because his songwriting is so...wise.

Anyway, since Nicole McLernon is my model for everything , I am creating a loosely defined literary blog that encompasses the drabble as well as reflections on the world, poetry, quotes, and song lyrics that make my brain say, "Wow, that's actually worth thinking about!" Hopefully in the endeavor I'll say what I need to say... and acquire the desire to think. :)

Happy reading!